2024-12-23 11:03:07 +01:00

360 lines
18 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import socket
import struct
import select
import time
import platform
import zlib
import threading
import logging
import functools
import errno
from . import errors
from .enums import ICMP_DEFAULT_CODE, IcmpType, IcmpTimeExceededCode, IcmpDestinationUnreachableCode
__version__ = "4.0.8"
DEBUG = False # DEBUG: Show debug info for developers. (default False)
EXCEPTIONS = False # EXCEPTIONS: Raise exception when delay is not available.
LOGGER = None # LOGGER: Record logs into console or file. Logger object should have .debug() method.
ICMP_HEADER_FORMAT = "!BBHHH" # According to netinet/ip_icmp.h. !=network byte order(big-endian), B=unsigned char, H=unsigned short
ICMP_TIME_FORMAT = "!d" # d=double
def _debug(*args) -> None:
"""Print debug info to stdout if `ping3.DEBUG` is True.
*args (any): Usually are strings or objects that can be converted to str.
def get_logger():
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
cout_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger.debug("Ping3 Version: {}".format(__version__))
logger.debug("LOGGER: {}".format(logger))
return logger
if not DEBUG:
return None
global LOGGER
LOGGER = LOGGER or get_logger()
message = " ".join(str(item) for item in args)
def _raise(err: Exception) -> None:
"""Raise exception if `ping3.EXCEPTIONS` is True.
err (Exception): Exception to be raised.
Exception: Exception passed in args will be raised if `ping3.EXCEPTIONS` is True.
raise err
def _func_logger(func):
"""Decorator that log function calls for debug
func (callable): Function to be decorated.
callable: Decorated function.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
pargs = ", ".join(str(arg) for arg in args)
kargs = str(kwargs) if kwargs else ""
all_args = ", ".join((pargs, kargs)) if (pargs and kargs) else (pargs or kargs)
_debug("Function called:", "{func.__name__}({})".format(all_args, func=func))
func_return = func(*args, **kwargs)
_debug("Function returned:", "{func.__name__} -> {rtrn}".format(func=func, rtrn=func_return))
return func_return
return wrapper
def checksum(source: bytes) -> int:
"""Calculates the checksum of the input bytes.
source (Bytes): The input to be calculated.
int: Calculated checksum.
BITS = 16 # 16-bit long
carry = 1 << BITS # 0x10000
result = sum(source[::2]) + (sum(source[1::2]) << (BITS // 2)) # Even bytes (odd indexes) shift 1 byte to the left.
while result >= carry: # Ones' complement sum.
result = sum(divmod(result, carry)) # Each carry add to right most bit.
return ~result & ((1 << BITS) - 1) # Ensure 16-bit
def read_icmp_header(raw: bytes) -> dict:
"""Get information from raw ICMP header data.
raw (Bytes): Raw data of ICMP header.
dict: A map contains the infos from the raw header.
icmp_header_keys = ('type', 'code', 'checksum', 'id', 'seq')
return dict(zip(icmp_header_keys, struct.unpack(ICMP_HEADER_FORMAT, raw)))
def read_ip_header(raw: bytes) -> dict:
"""Get information from raw IP header data.
raw (Bytes): Raw data of IP header.
dict: A map contains the infos from the raw header.
def stringify_ip(ip: int) -> str:
return ".".join(str(ip >> offset & 0xff) for offset in (24, 16, 8, 0)) # str(ipaddress.ip_address(ip))
ip_header_keys = ('version', 'tos', 'len', 'id', 'flags', 'ttl', 'protocol', 'checksum', 'src_addr', 'dest_addr')
ip_header = dict(zip(ip_header_keys, struct.unpack(IP_HEADER_FORMAT, raw)))
ip_header['src_addr'] = stringify_ip(ip_header['src_addr'])
ip_header['dest_addr'] = stringify_ip(ip_header['dest_addr'])
return ip_header
def send_one_ping(sock: socket.socket, dest_addr: str, icmp_id: int, seq: int, size: int) -> None:
"""Sends one ping to the given destination.
ICMP Header (bits): type (8), code (8), checksum (16), id (16), sequence (16)
ICMP Payload: time (double), data
ICMP Wikipedia:
sock (socket.socket): Socket.
dest_addr (str): The destination address, can be an IP address or a domain name. Ex. ""/""
icmp_id (int): ICMP packet id. Calculated from Process ID and Thread ID.
seq (int): ICMP packet sequence, usually increases from 0 in the same process.
size (int): The ICMP packet payload size in bytes. Note this is only for the payload part.
HostUnkown: If destination address is a domain name and cannot resolved.
_debug("Destination address: '{}'".format(dest_addr))
dest_addr = socket.gethostbyname(dest_addr) # Domain name will translated into IP address, and IP address leaves unchanged.
except socket.gaierror as err:
raise errors.HostUnknown(dest_addr=dest_addr) from err
_debug("Destination IP address:", dest_addr)
pseudo_checksum = 0 # Pseudo checksum is used to calculate the real checksum.
icmp_header = struct.pack(ICMP_HEADER_FORMAT, IcmpType.ECHO_REQUEST, ICMP_DEFAULT_CODE, pseudo_checksum, icmp_id, seq)
padding = (size - struct.calcsize(ICMP_TIME_FORMAT)) * "Q" # Using double to store current time.
icmp_payload = struct.pack(ICMP_TIME_FORMAT, time.time()) + padding.encode()
real_checksum = checksum(icmp_header + icmp_payload) # Calculates the checksum on the dummy header and the icmp_payload.
# Don't know why I need socket.htons() on real_checksum since ICMP_HEADER_FORMAT already in Network Bytes Order (big-endian)
icmp_header = struct.pack(ICMP_HEADER_FORMAT, IcmpType.ECHO_REQUEST, ICMP_DEFAULT_CODE, socket.htons(real_checksum), icmp_id, seq) # Put real checksum into ICMP header.
_debug("Sent ICMP header:", read_icmp_header(icmp_header))
_debug("Sent ICMP payload:", icmp_payload)
packet = icmp_header + icmp_payload
sock.sendto(packet, (dest_addr, 0)) # addr = (ip, port). Port is 0 respectively the OS default behavior will be used.
def receive_one_ping(sock: socket.socket, icmp_id: int, seq: int, timeout: int):
"""Receives the ping from the socket.
IP Header (bits): version (8), type of service (8), length (16), id (16), flags (16), time to live (8), protocol (8), checksum (16), source ip (32), destination ip (32).
ICMP Packet (bytes): IP Header (20), ICMP Header (8), ICMP Payload (*).
Ping Wikipedia:
ToS (Type of Service) in IP header for ICMP is 0. Protocol in IP header for ICMP is 1.
sock (socket.socket): The same socket used for send the ping.
icmp_id (int): ICMP packet id. Sent packet id should be identical with received packet id.
seq (int): ICMP packet sequence. Sent packet sequence should be identical with received packet sequence.
timeout (int): Timeout in seconds.
float | None: The delay in seconds or None on timeout.
TimeToLiveExpired: If the Time-To-Live in IP Header is not large enough for destination.
TimeExceeded: If time exceeded but Time-To-Live does not expired.
DestinationHostUnreachable: If the destination host is unreachable.
DestinationUnreachable: If the destination is unreachable.
has_ip_header = ( != 'posix') or (platform.system() == 'Darwin') or (sock.type == socket.SOCK_RAW) # No IP Header when unprivileged on Linux.
if has_ip_header:
ip_header_slice = slice(0, struct.calcsize(IP_HEADER_FORMAT)) # [0:20]
icmp_header_slice = slice(ip_header_slice.stop, ip_header_slice.stop + struct.calcsize(ICMP_HEADER_FORMAT)) # [20:28]
_debug("Unprivileged on Linux")
icmp_header_slice = slice(0, struct.calcsize(ICMP_HEADER_FORMAT)) # [0:8]
timeout_time = time.time() + timeout # Exactly time when timeout.
_debug("Timeout time: {} ({})".format(time.ctime(timeout_time), timeout_time))
while True:
timeout_left = timeout_time - time.time() # How many seconds left until timeout.
timeout_left = timeout_left if timeout_left > 0 else 0 # Timeout must be non-negative
_debug("Timeout left: {:.2f}s".format(timeout_left))
selected =[sock, ], [], [], timeout_left) # Wait until sock is ready to read or time is out.
if selected[0] == []: # Timeout
raise errors.Timeout(timeout=timeout)
time_recv = time.time()
_debug("Received time: {} ({}))".format(time.ctime(time_recv), time_recv))
recv_data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1500) # Single packet size limit is 65535 bytes, but usually the network packet limit is 1500 bytes.
if has_ip_header:
ip_header_raw = recv_data[ip_header_slice]
ip_header = read_ip_header(ip_header_raw)
_debug("Received IP header:", ip_header)
ip_header = None
icmp_header_raw, icmp_payload_raw = recv_data[icmp_header_slice], recv_data[icmp_header_slice.stop:]
icmp_header = read_icmp_header(icmp_header_raw)
_debug("Received ICMP header:", icmp_header)
_debug("Received ICMP payload:", icmp_payload_raw)
if not has_ip_header: # When unprivileged on Linux, ICMP ID is rewrited by kernel.
icmp_id = sock.getsockname()[1] # According to
if icmp_header['type'] == IcmpType.TIME_EXCEEDED: # TIME_EXCEEDED has no icmp_id and icmp_seq. Usually they are 0.
if icmp_header['code'] == IcmpTimeExceededCode.TTL_EXPIRED: # Windows raw socket cannot get TTL_EXPIRED. See
raise errors.TimeToLiveExpired(ip_header=ip_header, icmp_header=icmp_header) # Some router does not report TTL expired and then timeout shows.
raise errors.TimeExceeded()
if icmp_header['type'] == IcmpType.DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE: # DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE has no icmp_id and icmp_seq. Usually they are 0.
if icmp_header['code'] == IcmpDestinationUnreachableCode.DESTINATION_HOST_UNREACHABLE:
raise errors.DestinationHostUnreachable(ip_header=ip_header, icmp_header=icmp_header)
raise errors.DestinationUnreachable(ip_header=ip_header, icmp_header=icmp_header)
if icmp_header['id']:
if icmp_header['type'] == IcmpType.ECHO_REQUEST: # filters out the ECHO_REQUEST itself.
_debug("ECHO_REQUEST received. Packet filtered out.")
if icmp_header['id'] != icmp_id: # ECHO_REPLY should match the ICMP ID field.
_debug("ICMP ID dismatch. Packet filtered out.")
if icmp_header['seq'] != seq: # ECHO_REPLY should match the ICMP SEQ field.
_debug("IMCP SEQ dismatch. Packet filtered out.")
if icmp_header['type'] == IcmpType.ECHO_REPLY:
time_sent = struct.unpack(ICMP_TIME_FORMAT, icmp_payload_raw[0:struct.calcsize(ICMP_TIME_FORMAT)])[0]
_debug("Received sent time: {} ({})".format(time.ctime(time_sent), time_sent))
return time_recv - time_sent
_debug("Uncatched ICMP packet:", icmp_header)
def ping(dest_addr: str, timeout: int = 4, unit: str = "s", src_addr: str = "", ttl= None, seq: int = 0, size: int = 56, interface: str = ""):
Send one ping to destination address with the given timeout.
dest_addr (str): The destination address, can be an IP address or a domain name. Ex. ""/""
timeout (int): Time to wait for a response, in seconds. Default is 4s, same as Windows CMD. (default 4)
unit (str): The unit of returned value. "s" for seconds, "ms" for milliseconds. (default "s")
src_addr (str): The IP address to ping from. This is for multiple network interfaces. Ex. "". (default "")
interface (str): LINUX ONLY. The gateway network interface to ping from. Ex. "wlan0". (default "")
ttl (int | None): The Time-To-Live of the outgoing packet. Default is None, which means using OS default ttl -- 64 onLinux and macOS, and 128 on Windows. (default None)
seq (int): ICMP packet sequence, usually increases from 0 in the same process. (default 0)
size (int): The ICMP packet payload size in bytes. If the input of this is less than the bytes of a double format (usually 8), the size of ICMP packet payload is 8 bytes to hold a time. The max should be the router_MTU(Usually 1480) - IP_Header(20) - ICMP_Header(8). Default is 56, same as in macOS. (default 56)
float | None | False: The delay in seconds/milliseconds, False on error and None on timeout.
PingError: Any PingError will raise again if `ping3.EXCEPTIONS` is True.
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_ICMP)
except PermissionError as err:
if err.errno == errno.EPERM: # [Errno 1] Operation not permitted
_debug("`{}` when create socket.SOCK_RAW, using socket.SOCK_DGRAM instead.".format(err))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_ICMP)
raise err
with sock:
if ttl:
try: # IPPROTO_IP is for Windows and BSD Linux.
if sock.getsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_TTL):
sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_TTL, ttl)
except OSError as err:
_debug("Set Socket Option `IP_TTL` in `IPPROTO_IP` Failed: {}".format(err))
if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL):
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, ttl)
except OSError as err:
_debug("Set Socket Option `IP_TTL` in `SOL_IP` Failed: {}".format(err))
if interface:
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SOCKET_SO_BINDTODEVICE, interface.encode()) # packets will be sent from specified interface.
_debug("Socket Interface Binded:", interface)
if src_addr:
sock.bind((src_addr, 0)) # only packets send to src_addr are received.
_debug("Socket Source Address Binded:", src_addr)
thread_id = threading.get_native_id() if hasattr(threading, 'get_native_id') else threading.currentThread().ident # threading.get_native_id() is supported >= python3.8.
process_id = os.getpid() # If ping() run under different process, thread_id may be identical.
icmp_id = zlib.crc32("{}{}".format(process_id, thread_id).encode()) & 0xffff # to avoid icmp_id collision.
send_one_ping(sock=sock, dest_addr=dest_addr, icmp_id=icmp_id, seq=seq, size=size)
delay = receive_one_ping(sock=sock, icmp_id=icmp_id, seq=seq, timeout=timeout) # in seconds
except errors.Timeout as err:
return None
except errors.PingError as err:
return False
if delay is None:
return None
if unit == "ms":
delay *= 1000 # in milliseconds
return delay
def verbose_ping(dest_addr: str, count: int = 4, interval: float = 0, *args, **kwargs):
Send pings to destination address with the given timeout and display the result.
dest_addr (str): The destination address. Ex. ""/""
count (int): How many pings should be sent. 0 means infinite loops until manually stopped. Default is 4, same as Windows CMD. (default 4)
interval (float): How many seconds between two packets. Default is 0, which means send the next packet as soon as the previous one responsed. (default 0)
*args and **kwargs (any): And all the other arguments available in ping() except `seq`.
Formatted ping results printed.
timeout = kwargs.get("timeout")
src = kwargs.get("src_addr")
unit = kwargs.setdefault("unit", "ms")
i = 0
while i < count or count == 0:
if interval > 0 and i > 0:
output_text = "ping '{}'".format(dest_addr)
output_text += " from '{}'".format(src) if src else ""
output_text += " ... "
delay = ping(dest_addr, seq=i, *args, **kwargs)
print(output_text, end="")
if delay is None:
print("Timeout > {}s".format(timeout) if timeout else "Timeout")
elif delay is False:
print("{value}{unit}".format(value=int(delay), unit=unit))
i += 1