660 lines
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660 lines
23 KiB
import asyncio
import copy
import inspect
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from . import introspection as intr
from ._private.util import (
from .constants import PropertyAccess
from .errors import SignalDisabledError
from .message import Message
from .signature import (
from .message_bus import BaseMessageBus
class _Method:
def __init__(self, fn, name: str, disabled=False):
in_signature = ""
out_signature = ""
inspection = inspect.signature(fn)
in_args = []
for i, param in enumerate(inspection.parameters.values()):
if i == 0:
# first is self
annotation = parse_annotation(param.annotation)
if not annotation:
raise ValueError(
"method parameters must specify the dbus type string as an annotation"
in_args.append(intr.Arg(annotation, intr.ArgDirection.IN, param.name))
in_signature += annotation
out_args = []
out_signature = parse_annotation(inspection.return_annotation)
if out_signature:
for type_ in get_signature_tree(out_signature).types:
out_args.append(intr.Arg(type_, intr.ArgDirection.OUT))
self.name = name
self.fn = fn
self.disabled = disabled
self.introspection = intr.Method(name, in_args, out_args)
self.in_signature = in_signature
self.out_signature = out_signature
self.in_signature_tree = get_signature_tree(in_signature)
self.out_signature_tree = get_signature_tree(out_signature)
def method(name: Optional[str] = None, disabled: bool = False):
"""A decorator to mark a class method of a :class:`ServiceInterface` to be a DBus service method.
The parameters and return value must each be annotated with a signature
string of a single complete DBus type.
This class method will be called when a client calls the method on the DBus
interface. The parameters given to the function come from the calling
client and will conform to the dbus-fast type system. The parameters
returned will be returned to the calling client and must conform to the
dbus-fast type system. If multiple parameters are returned, they must be
contained within a :class:`list`.
The decorated method may raise a :class:`DBusError <dbus_fast.DBusError>`
to return an error to the client.
:param name: The member name that DBus clients will use to call this method. Defaults to the name of the class method.
:type name: str
:param disabled: If set to true, the method will not be visible to clients.
:type disabled: bool
def echo(self, val: 's') -> 's':
return val
def echo_two(self, val1: 's', val2: 'u') -> 'su':
return [val1, val2]
if name is not None and type(name) is not str:
raise TypeError("name must be a string")
if type(disabled) is not bool:
raise TypeError("disabled must be a bool")
def decorator(fn):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
fn(*args, **kwargs)
fn_name = name if name else fn.__name__
wrapped.__dict__["__DBUS_METHOD"] = _Method(fn, fn_name, disabled=disabled)
return wrapped
return decorator
class _Signal:
def __init__(self, fn, name, disabled=False):
inspection = inspect.signature(fn)
args = []
signature = ""
signature_tree = None
return_annotation = parse_annotation(inspection.return_annotation)
if return_annotation:
signature = return_annotation
signature_tree = get_signature_tree(signature)
for type_ in signature_tree.types:
args.append(intr.Arg(type_, intr.ArgDirection.OUT))
signature = ""
signature_tree = get_signature_tree("")
self.signature = signature
self.signature_tree = signature_tree
self.name = name
self.disabled = disabled
self.introspection = intr.Signal(self.name, args)
def signal(name: Optional[str] = None, disabled: bool = False):
"""A decorator to mark a class method of a :class:`ServiceInterface` to be a DBus signal.
The signal is broadcast on the bus when the decorated class method is
called by the user.
If the signal has an out argument, the class method must have a return type
annotation with a signature string of a single complete DBus type and the
return value of the class method must conform to the dbus-fast type system.
If the signal has multiple out arguments, they must be returned within a
:param name: The member name that will be used for this signal. Defaults to
the name of the class method.
:type name: str
:param disabled: If set to true, the signal will not be visible to clients.
:type disabled: bool
def string_signal(self, val) -> 's':
return val
def two_strings_signal(self, val1, val2) -> 'ss':
return [val1, val2]
if name is not None and type(name) is not str:
raise TypeError("name must be a string")
if type(disabled) is not bool:
raise TypeError("disabled must be a bool")
def decorator(fn):
fn_name = name if name else fn.__name__
signal = _Signal(fn, fn_name, disabled)
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
if signal.disabled:
raise SignalDisabledError("Tried to call a disabled signal")
result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
ServiceInterface._handle_signal(self, signal, result)
return result
wrapped.__dict__["__DBUS_SIGNAL"] = signal
return wrapped
return decorator
class _Property(property):
def set_options(self, options):
self.options = getattr(self, "options", {})
for k, v in options.items():
self.options[k] = v
if "name" in options and options["name"] is not None:
self.name = options["name"]
self.name = self.prop_getter.__name__
if "access" in options:
self.access = PropertyAccess(options["access"])
self.access = PropertyAccess.READWRITE
if "disabled" in options:
self.disabled = options["disabled"]
self.disabled = False
self.introspection = intr.Property(self.name, self.signature, self.access)
self.__dict__["__DBUS_PROPERTY"] = True
def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
self.prop_getter = fn
self.prop_setter = None
inspection = inspect.signature(fn)
if len(inspection.parameters) != 1:
raise ValueError('the property must only have the "self" input parameter')
return_annotation = parse_annotation(inspection.return_annotation)
if not return_annotation:
raise ValueError(
"the property must specify the dbus type string as a return annotation string"
self.signature = return_annotation
tree = get_signature_tree(return_annotation)
if len(tree.types) != 1:
raise ValueError("the property signature must be a single complete type")
self.type = tree.types[0]
if "options" in kwargs:
options = kwargs["options"]
del kwargs["options"]
super().__init__(fn, *args, **kwargs)
def setter(self, fn, **kwargs):
# XXX The setter decorator seems to be recreating the class in the list
# of class members and clobbering the options so we need to reset them.
# Why does it do that?
result = super().setter(fn, **kwargs)
result.prop_setter = fn
return result
def dbus_property(
access: PropertyAccess = PropertyAccess.READWRITE,
name: Optional[str] = None,
disabled: bool = False,
"""A decorator to mark a class method of a :class:`ServiceInterface` to be a DBus property.
The class method must be a Python getter method with a return annotation
that is a signature string of a single complete DBus type. When a client
gets the property through the ``org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties``
interface, the getter will be called and the resulting value will be
returned to the client.
If the property is writable, it must have a setter method that takes a
single parameter that is annotated with the same signature. When a client
sets the property through the ``org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties``
interface, the setter will be called with the value from the calling
The parameters of the getter and the setter must conform to the dbus-fast
type system. The getter or the setter may raise a :class:`DBusError
<dbus_fast.DBusError>` to return an error to the client.
:param name: The name that DBus clients will use to interact with this
property on the bus.
:type name: str
:param disabled: If set to true, the property will not be visible to
:type disabled: bool
def string_prop(self) -> 's':
return self._string_prop
def string_prop(self, val: 's'):
self._string_prop = val
if type(access) is not PropertyAccess:
raise TypeError("access must be a PropertyAccess class")
if name is not None and type(name) is not str:
raise TypeError("name must be a string")
if type(disabled) is not bool:
raise TypeError("disabled must be a bool")
def decorator(fn):
options = {"name": name, "access": access, "disabled": disabled}
return _Property(fn, options=options)
return decorator
def _real_fn_result_to_body(
result: Optional[Any],
signature_tree: SignatureTree,
replace_fds: bool,
) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[int]]:
out_len = len(signature_tree.types)
if result is None:
final_result = []
if out_len == 1:
final_result = [result]
result_type = type(result)
if result_type is not list and result_type is not tuple:
raise SignatureBodyMismatchError(
"Expected signal to return a list or tuple of arguments"
final_result = result
if out_len != len(final_result):
raise SignatureBodyMismatchError(
f"Signature and function return mismatch, expected {len(signature_tree.types)} arguments but got {len(result)}"
if not replace_fds:
return final_result, []
return replace_fds_with_idx(signature_tree, final_result)
class ServiceInterface:
"""An abstract class that can be extended by the user to define DBus services.
Instances of :class:`ServiceInterface` can be exported on a path of the bus
with the :class:`export <dbus_fast.message_bus.BaseMessageBus.export>`
method of a :class:`MessageBus <dbus_fast.message_bus.BaseMessageBus>`.
Use the :func:`@method <dbus_fast.service.method>`, :func:`@dbus_property
<dbus_fast.service.dbus_property>`, and :func:`@signal
<dbus_fast.service.signal>` decorators to mark class methods as DBus
methods, properties, and signals respectively.
:ivar name: The name of this interface as it appears to clients. Must be a
valid interface name.
:vartype name: str
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
# TODO cannot be overridden by a dbus member
self.name = name
self.__methods: List[_Method] = []
self.__properties: List[_Property] = []
self.__signals: List[_Signal] = []
self.__buses = set()
self.__handlers: Dict[
Dict[_Method, Callable[[Message, Callable[[Message], None]], None]],
] = {}
for name, member in inspect.getmembers(type(self)):
member_dict = getattr(member, "__dict__", {})
if type(member) is _Property:
# XXX The getter and the setter may show up as different
# members if they have different names. But if they have the
# same name, they will be the same member. So we try to merge
# them together here. I wish we could make this cleaner.
found = False
for prop in self.__properties:
if prop.prop_getter is member.prop_getter:
found = True
if member.prop_setter is not None:
prop.prop_setter = member.prop_setter
if not found:
elif "__DBUS_METHOD" in member_dict:
method = member_dict["__DBUS_METHOD"]
assert type(method) is _Method
elif "__DBUS_SIGNAL" in member_dict:
signal = member_dict["__DBUS_SIGNAL"]
assert type(signal) is _Signal
# validate that writable properties have a setter
for prop in self.__properties:
if prop.access.writable() and prop.prop_setter is None:
raise ValueError(
f'property "{prop.name}" is writable but does not have a setter'
def emit_properties_changed(
self, changed_properties: Dict[str, Any], invalidated_properties: List[str] = []
"""Emit the ``org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged`` signal.
This signal is intended to be used to alert clients when a property of
the interface has changed.
:param changed_properties: The keys must be the names of properties exposed by this bus. The values must be valid for the signature of those properties.
:type changed_properties: dict(str, Any)
:param invalidated_properties: A list of names of properties that are now invalid (presumably for clients who cache the value).
:type invalidated_properties: list(str)
# TODO cannot be overridden by a dbus member
variant_dict = {}
for prop in ServiceInterface._get_properties(self):
if prop.name in changed_properties:
variant_dict[prop.name] = Variant(
prop.signature, changed_properties[prop.name]
body = [self.name, variant_dict, invalidated_properties]
for bus in ServiceInterface._get_buses(self):
def introspect(self) -> intr.Interface:
"""Get introspection information for this interface.
This might be useful for creating clients for the interface or examining the introspection output of an interface.
:returns: The introspection data for the interface.
:rtype: :class:`dbus_fast.introspection.Interface`
# TODO cannot be overridden by a dbus member
return intr.Interface(
for method in ServiceInterface._get_methods(self)
if not method.disabled
for signal in ServiceInterface._get_signals(self)
if not signal.disabled
for prop in ServiceInterface._get_properties(self)
if not prop.disabled
def _get_properties(interface: "ServiceInterface") -> List[_Property]:
return interface.__properties
def _get_methods(interface: "ServiceInterface") -> List[_Method]:
return interface.__methods
def _c_get_methods(interface: "ServiceInterface") -> List[_Method]:
# _c_get_methods is used by the C code to get the methods for an
# interface
# https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/3327
return interface.__methods
def _get_signals(interface: "ServiceInterface") -> List[_Signal]:
return interface.__signals
def _get_buses(interface: "ServiceInterface") -> Set["BaseMessageBus"]:
return interface.__buses
def _get_handler(
interface: "ServiceInterface", method: _Method, bus: "BaseMessageBus"
) -> Callable[[Message, Callable[[Message], None]], None]:
return interface.__handlers[bus][method]
def _c_get_handler(
interface: "ServiceInterface", method: _Method, bus: "BaseMessageBus"
) -> Callable[[Message, Callable[[Message], None]], None]:
# _c_get_handler is used by the C code to get the handler for a method
# https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/3327
return interface.__handlers[bus][method]
def _add_bus(
interface: "ServiceInterface",
bus: "BaseMessageBus",
maker: Callable[
["ServiceInterface", _Method],
Callable[[Message, Callable[[Message], None]], None],
) -> None:
interface.__handlers[bus] = {
method: maker(interface, method) for method in interface.__methods
def _remove_bus(interface: "ServiceInterface", bus: "BaseMessageBus") -> None:
del interface.__handlers[bus]
def _msg_body_to_args(msg: Message) -> List[Any]:
return ServiceInterface._c_msg_body_to_args(msg)
def _c_msg_body_to_args(msg: Message) -> List[Any]:
# https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/3327
if not signature_contains_type(msg.signature_tree, msg.body, "h"):
return msg.body
# XXX: This deep copy could be expensive if messages are very
# large. We could optimize this by only copying what we change
# here.
return replace_idx_with_fds(
msg.signature_tree, copy.deepcopy(msg.body), msg.unix_fds
def _fn_result_to_body(
result: Optional[Any],
signature_tree: SignatureTree,
replace_fds: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[int]]:
return _real_fn_result_to_body(result, signature_tree, replace_fds)
def _c_fn_result_to_body(
result: Optional[Any],
signature_tree: SignatureTree,
replace_fds: bool,
) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[int]]:
"""The high level interfaces may return single values which may be
wrapped in a list to be a message body. Also they may return fds
directly for type 'h' which need to be put into an external list."""
# https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/3327
return _real_fn_result_to_body(result, signature_tree, replace_fds)
def _handle_signal(
interface: "ServiceInterface", signal: _Signal, result: Optional[Any]
) -> None:
body, fds = ServiceInterface._fn_result_to_body(result, signal.signature_tree)
for bus in ServiceInterface._get_buses(interface):
interface, interface.name, signal.name, signal.signature, body, fds
def _get_property_value(interface: "ServiceInterface", prop: _Property, callback):
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(prop.prop_getter):
task = asyncio.ensure_future(prop.prop_getter(interface))
def get_property_callback(task):
result = task.result()
except Exception as e:
callback(interface, prop, None, e)
callback(interface, prop, result, None)
interface, prop, getattr(interface, prop.prop_getter.__name__), None
except Exception as e:
callback(interface, prop, None, e)
def _set_property_value(interface: "ServiceInterface", prop, value, callback):
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(prop.prop_setter):
task = asyncio.ensure_future(prop.prop_setter(interface, value))
def set_property_callback(task):
except Exception as e:
callback(interface, prop, e)
callback(interface, prop, None)
setattr(interface, prop.prop_setter.__name__, value)
callback(interface, prop, None)
except Exception as e:
callback(interface, prop, e)
def _get_all_property_values(
interface: "ServiceInterface", callback, user_data=None
result = {}
result_error = None
for prop in ServiceInterface._get_properties(interface):
if prop.disabled or not prop.access.readable():
result[prop.name] = None
if not result:
callback(interface, result, user_data, None)
def get_property_callback(
interface: "ServiceInterface",
prop: _Property,
value: Any,
e: Optional[Exception],
) -> None:
nonlocal result_error
if e is not None:
result_error = e
del result[prop.name]
result[prop.name] = Variant(prop.signature, value)
except SignatureBodyMismatchError as e:
result_error = e
del result[prop.name]
if any(v is None for v in result.values()):
callback(interface, result, user_data, result_error)
for prop in ServiceInterface._get_properties(interface):
if prop.disabled or not prop.access.readable():
ServiceInterface._get_property_value(interface, prop, get_property_callback)